Friday, October 30, 2009

AP World 10/30/09

The students took their test today. They need to complete the review sheet they got today to prepare for the 9 weeks exam that we will take this Tuesday. I will collect the review sheet for a homework grade this Tuesday.

All Geo. Classes 10/30/09

We took current events today and economic notes we also did a workbooks activity. The students only homework is to study for their Map Quiz on Monday. We will finish the workbook activity on Monday.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

All Geo Classes 10/29/09

We did an atlas activity today. We also took Physical Notes on the United States and Canada. The students finished their maps. I collected them for a grade. They will get them back Friday and have a map quiz on Monday. The students need to complete the Chapter 5 Section 1 worksheet for homework. I will collect the worksheet for a grade tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

AP World 10/28/09

The students received their review sheets today and had all period to work on them in class. The students have been invited to attend Coach Dragone's review on Thursday 10/29/09. It will be held at 2:15 in room 014. It should last one hour. The students who attend will receive a 100 in replace of their lowest quiz grade. Students should be studying for their test this Friday. Review sheets will be collected for a grade on Friday.

All Geo. Classes 10/28/09

We took two quizzes today and worked on our maps of Canada and the United States. The students have no homework tonight. We will finish our maps tomorrow in class.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

All Geo Classes 10/27/09

We did an atlas activity and took notes on Cultural Landscapes. The student need to be studying for two quizzes that we have tomorrow. The quizzes will cover the notes we took on Monday and today. Their only homework tonight is to study, study, study!

Monday, October 26, 2009

AP World 10/26/09

We started the class with a Reading Quiz and Current Events. We then took notes on Africa and the spread of Islam. For homework the student need to finsih the reading in the "Global Experience" Book by Riley. They need to read pages 262-263 and write 5 DISCUSSION questions.

All Geo Classes 10/26/09

We took current events today and notes on Unit 6. We started a classwork assignment that I collected. The students have no homework other than to study the notes that we took today. We will be having a quiz on Unit 6 this Wednesday.

Friday, October 23, 2009

All Geo Classes 10/23/09

I collected the review sheets today and we took our Unit 5 Test today on Population Geography. The students need to use their textbooks tonight to define the following twenty words: Region, Sahara, Taiga, Rainforest, Great Plains, Laitn America, Kurdistan, Islam, Buddhism, European Union, North Atlatic Treay Organization, Sun Belt, Rust Belt, Mosques, Yurts, Western Wall, Dome of the Rock, Pyramids, Black Forest, and Aswan High Dam. These definitions will be collected for a homework grade on Monday!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

AP World 10/22/09

We took a Reading Quiz and Current Event quiz today. I also collected the homework from the night before. I lectured on Africa and the student made a couple of comparison charts in their notes. One was the pros and cons of "stateless societies" and the other ways Changes and Continuities in Africa before and after the arrival of Islam. Students need to read Stearns pages 182-190 for homework and be ready for a RQ on Monday.

All Geo Classes 10/22/09

We took a Current Events Quiz today and notes on Urban Development. The students then had time in class to start their review sheets. The students need to complete their review sheets for a grade (they will be collected tomorrow) and they need to study them to prepare for the test tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

All Geo. Classes 10/21/09

The students did an atlas acctivity today. We took notes on site and situation. The students also worked with Population Pyramids. For homework the students need to create their own population pyramid. They can use page 79 in their text books as a model. The students need to make sure they include; age, gender, number or percentage of people, and an explanation of why their pyramid looks the way it does. This will be collected for a grade tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

AP World History 10/20/09

We took CE today and notes on the fall of the Abbasid Empire (Chapter 7 Stearns). The students then had the last 40 minutes to write their CCOT essay on the changes of the Arabian Peninsula starting in 500 CE til 1258 CE. The students need to read Stearns pages 171-182, answer the four questions on page 178 and be ready for a reading quiz Thursday.

All Geo. Classes 10/20/09

Students took CE today and notes. We read an article about Frances booming population. The students need to study for their Vocab Quiz which is tomorrow.

Monday, October 19, 2009

All Geo. Classes 10/19/09

We did an atlas activity at the beginning of class. We took notes on Population Geography discussing main reasons for population distribution and population growth. We finished the class with reading a story about "Fatima" a woman who is ridiculed for participating in family planning because it is against her cultural beliefs. The students have a Vocab Quiz on Wednesday and need to be studying the 9 terms and places on page 78. No other homework than to study for vocab quiz.

Friday, October 16, 2009

All Geo. Classes 10/16/09

I collected the homework from last night. We wathced a video on China's one child policy and then the student wrote about what they thought about the view and we had a class debate on whether or not the one child policy is a good idea or not. The students have no homework tonight.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

All Geo. Classes 10/15/09

I collected the review sheets today and the students took their Unit 4 test. After the test the students were given a book work assignment.
1. Define the 9 places and terms on page 78
2. Answer skillbuilder questions 1 and 2 on pages 78, 79, 80, and 82
3. Answer the 5 questions contained in numbers 2 and 3 on page 82

This will be collected tomorrow for a homework grade!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

AP World 10/14/09

The students took a set of current events and I collected the homework from last class. We also had a reading quiz on the previous nights reading and we took notes on Islam. The students recieved a rubric for the Continuity and Changes Over Time (CCOT) Essay. They also got a sample of a student that recieved an 8 out of 9. The students need to write their own CCOT essay about the silk road, this will be collected for a homework grade on Tuesday. Many students took home an additional textbook to help them with this. We do not have class this coming Friday because it is a half day of school, so the students have a little more reading than usual. The students need to read all of Chapter 7 Stearns before this coming Tuesday. The Students also need to be prepared to write a CCOT essay of the Arabian Pennisula from roughly 500 CE to roughly 800CE focusing specifically on the Umayyad and Abbisad. That essay will be given to them Tuesday for a quiz grade. The students can find the bulk of this info in Chapter 6 of Stearns, the begining of Chapter 7 of Stearns covers the fall of the Abbasid.

All Geo. Classes 10/14/09

Students started their review sheets in class. They should finish their review sheets for homework. I will be collecting them Thursday for a grade. Student need to study for their test tomight! The test is tomorrow. It is on Economic Geography.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

All Geo. Classes 10/13/09

We did an atlas activity today and took notes on Developed vs. Developing Countries. The students have no homework tonight.

Monday, October 12, 2009

AP World 10/12/09

The students took Current Events today. I collected their homework from last class. We took notes today on the rise and spread of Islam. The students need to read Stearns pages 130-145 for homework and be ready for a Reading Quiz on Wednesday. The students also need to answer the questions associated with the article on pages 136-137 (Stearns). I will be collecting that for a homework grade Wednesday. Don't forget this Friday is a half day so I won't see you, that means we have got to cover a lot on Wednesday.

All Geo. Classes 10/12/09

We took Current Events today and notes on Natural Resources. The students have no homework tonight but should be getting ready for their test this Thursday!

Friday, October 9, 2009

All Geo. Classes 10/09/09

We did an atlas activity today and worked on Comparative Advantage. The students have no homework tonight. Enjoy homecoming!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

All Geo. Classes 10/08/09

We took a new set of current events today. Then the students finished taking notes on Global Economic Geography. The students spent the rest of class making their own Economic Alliance Brochure. The students need to finish these for homework and bring them in tomorrow for a grade.

AP World 10/08/09
I collected the Southernization Questions that were for homework. The students took a RQ today and Current Events. The students also took notes on trade routes today. For homework the students need to read the above article and write 10 possible discussion questions that relate to the article. To access the article click on the above link, on the left select "Articles" then click "By Topic" from here the students should scroll down and Find the Section "History" they need to read the article by Szynkiewicz, Slawoj titled "Interactions between the Nomadic Culture of Central Asia and China in the Middle Ages." The discussion questions will be collected for a grade.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

All Geo. Classes 10/07/09

We took Global Economic Notes today and did an Atlas Activity. There is no homework assigned tonight.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

AP World 10/06/09

Students took their Unit Test today. Tonight they need to finish reading and answering the 9 questions from the Lynda Shaffer Southernization article. I will collect that for a grade on Thursday. The studetns also need to read Chapter 8 of "The Earth and Its People" book, written by Bulliet. They will have a RQ on that chapter Thursday.

All Geo. Classes 10/06/09

The students took their 9Weeks test today. After the test they started working on a book work assignment.
1. Define all 9 places and terms on page 91
2. Answer place Question on page 91 and explain Why?
3. Answer 2 skillbuilder questions page 92
4. Answer Geographic Thinking Questions pages 92, 93, 94
5. Answer the 5 questions contained in #2 and #3 on page 95
For the students that did not finish in class, this will be collected for a Homework grade tomorrow!

Monday, October 5, 2009

All Geo. Classes 10/05/09

We did an atlas activity today and worked on our review sheets. The students should have all the answers to their review sheets and should be studying for their 9 Weeks Test tomorrow. This is important as it is worth 10% of their final grade. I will be collecting their review sheets before the test.

Friday, October 2, 2009

AP World 10/02/09

We took our second Current Event Quiz today. I finished up a lecture on the decline of classical civilizations. The students were given a review sheet to help them prepare for the Test this coming Tuesday. The test will focus mainly on the classical civilizations. The students need to take complete notes on the review sheet. I will collect the review sheets on Tuesday. Don't forget Coach Dragone is conducting a review session Monday afternoon in room 014 from 2:30-3:30. Every student should attend this!

All Geo. Classes 10/02/09

We took our Unit 3 Test today. We also took a Current Event Quiz. The students have no homework. Next class we will review for the 9 Weeks test and the students will take the 9 weeks test this coming Tuesday.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

All Geo. Classes 10/01/09

We had a very busy day today. We took a religion quiz, finished our notes and started our review sheets. The students need to complete their review sheets for a grade tonight, they need to study them also! I will collect them for a grade tomorrow. Our test tomorrow is on Cultural Geography. We also have our 9 weeks test this coming Tuesday. We will review all day Monday for this 9 Weeks test. The 9 weeks test counts for 10% of their final grade.