Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Geo 12/21/10

Geo students took their Europe test today. They have no homework tonight.

Click on the link below to access information about Christmas around the world.


Monday, December 20, 2010

Geo 12/20/10

The students took their Europe map quiz today. They need to finish their review sheets for homework and be ready to take their Europe test tomorrow.

AP 12/15

Students should read the first half of chapter 14. Pages 313-325.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Geo 12/15/10

The following places could be on tomorrows map quiz: Ireland, Great Britain, Spain, France, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Greece, Rome, Paris, Warsaw, London, Alps, Pyrenees, and all five peninsulas from the notes.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Geo 12/14/10

Geo students need to complete the foldable activity found on page 279. This will be collected on Tuesday for a grade.

Monday, December 13, 2010

AP World 12/13/10

Students wrote a CCOT essay on China today. Students need to finish any work from the AP manual they did not complete in class. Finish reading Chapter 13 before next class. Be ready for a RQ on all of chapter 13 on Wednesday.

Geo 12/13/10

Students need to finish their maps if they did not finish them in class. Maps due Tuesday 12/14.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Geo 12/10

Students took their 3rd Quarter exam today. They started working on their Europe Guided Reading after the test. If they did not finish this in class they need to do it for homework. They will turn it in for a grade on Monday. They should be ready for a reading quiz on monday also. The quiz will be on the guided reading material.

AP 12/09

The AP students finished lecture notes on Chapter 12 today. They will have a CCOT essay covering 589 ce through 1279 ce (from the rise of the Sui dynasty to the fall of the Southern Song dynasty).
Students also need to read the first half of Chapter 13 (pages 287-298). Be ready for a RQ next class.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

AP World History 12/7/10

We took notes today on the first half of Chapter 12. Students need to read the second half of Chapter 12 (page 275- to the end) and be ready for a RQ on Thursday. Students who were absent today need to be ready to take the first part of Chapter 12 reading quiz (pages 263-275) when they return.

Geo 12/7/10

The students took a Map Quiz today and Cultural Notes. They have their test on Asia tomorrow (Wednesday). Review sheets are due tomorrow for a grade!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Geo 12/6

The following places could be on the Map Quiz tomorrow: Western Ghats, India, Yellow River, Pacific Ocean, China, Mongolia, Beijing, Japan, Bay of Bengal, Laos, Indus River, Ganges River, Tokyo, Sea of Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, New Delhi, South Korea, Yangtze River, and Singapore.

AP 12/3 Homework

Read the first half of chapter 12. 263-275 Be ready for a reading quiz.

Friday, December 3, 2010

AP World 12/3


Use the above link to Read Chapter 12 section 1. Answer Section 1 Assessment questions numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Also answer question 1 on the "infographic" picture "A Chinese House"
Answer on a blank sheet of paper.

Geo 12/3

The Geo students dont have homework but should be studying their maps for a map quiz on Asia Tuesday.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Geo 11/30/10

Students got their review sheets today and took their Map Quiz. The review sheets are due tomorrow for a grade and we have our Unit 10 test tomorrow.

Monday, November 29, 2010

11/29/10 Geo

Map Quiz tomorrow. Study: South Africa, Botswana, Gabon, Sudan, Chad, Congo, Madagascar, Mozambique, Tanzania, Red Sea, Kenya, Ethiopia, Lake Victoria, Zambezi River, Congo River, Niger River, Kalahari Desert, Namib Desert, Atlantic Ocean, and Indian Ocean. Test Wed!

AP World 11/29/10

DBQ essay on Middle ages is due Wed. Test on chapters 9, 10, and 11 will be Friday. After school review Wed in Cafe 3.

Monday, November 22, 2010

AP World 11/22

The students need to finish the Chapter 11 "Americas on the Eve of Invasion" worksheet to turn in on Monday. The students also need to answer all the questions associated with the DBQ. We will work on writing the DBQ in class on Monday. Students need to finish reading Chapter 11. Possible RQ on Monday.

Geo 11/22

The students worked on their Sub-saharan maps today. Any maps not compelted in class are due tomorrow for a grade.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Geo 11/19

The students took their Unit 9 test today on North Africa and Southwest Asia. They need to finish their Unit 10 guided reading for homework and be ready to take a reading quiz on the guided reading on Monday. The guided reading will be collected Monday.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Geo 11/18

The test was postponed until Friday. Students need to have review sheets ready to turn in their review sheets before the test for a homework grade.

AP World 11/18

Students need to read the first half of Chapter 11 pages 239-251. They should be ready for a RQ on Monday. Also bring your permission slip for the iPads.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Geo 11/16

The students have a map quiz tomorrow and need to be able to locate 15 of the following possible places: Morrocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, Israel, Turkey, Nile River, Euphrates and Tigirs river, Atlas Mountains, Taurus Mountains, Zagros Mountains, the Red sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the Persian Gulf, Baghdad, Mecca, Istanbul, Cairo.
The map quiz is wed 11/17 and the test will be Thursday 11/18.

AP World 11/16

The students need to read page 224 to the end of chapter 10 and be ready for another reading quiz. The comparative essay was postponed to Thursday. They need to be able to compare the spread of Islam to the spread of Christianity.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Geo 11/12

The students took their Unit 8 test today. Students were given two maps today. North Africa and SW Asia. All of these maps need to be completed and colored and ready to turn in on Monday. They will be collected Monday for a grade.

AP World 11/12

The students need to read Chapter 10 pages 213-224 and be ready for a reading quiz on Tuesday. The students also need to be ready to write a comparative essay dealing with aspects of Islam and Christianity in the post classical time period. This comp essay will be on Tuesday in class.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

AP World 11/10

The students have a RQ on chapter 9 page 203 to the end of the chapter on Friday. They also need to get their iPad permission slip signed. Also the Chapter 9 guided reading and Kievan Rus worksheets are due Friday.

Geo 11/10

The following places could be on the map quiz: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Rio Grande River, Amazaon River, Andes Mountains, Pampas, Cuba, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Brasilia, Mexico City and Rio de Janerio.

The students also need to complete the vertical zonation activity on page 208. That will be collected for a homework grade tomorrow (Thursday 11/11).

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Geo 11/09

The students turned in their homework from last class. The guided reading from Latin America. They also took a reading quiz on Latin America. The students started their maps of Latin America today. They will have a Map Quiz on Thursday. The test on Latin America will be on Friday. Completed maps are due tomorrow.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Geo 11/05

Students need to complete the Latin America guided reading activity and be ready for a reading quiz on Tuesday. The guided reading worksheet will be collected Tuesday for a grade.

AP World 11/05

Homework: Students need to read Stearns chapter 9 pages 193-202 and be ready for a reading quiz on Tuesday. The guided reading answers are due Friday.

AP World 11/05

After your test go to the following link
Using the above link answer the following questions on your note pad (not sundry notes)
1a. List the three events that could be used as the starting point of the Byzantine Empire.
1. When did Constantine establish the new capital for the Eastern Roman Empire?
"Early History"
2. Who was responsible for making the city impenetrable to attacks and how?
3. When did the western Roman empire collapse?
4. What was Justinian I greatest accomplishment?
5. What was the purpose of the great dome on the Hagia Sophia?
5b. What is religiously unique about the Hagia Sophia? Study the photo closely.
"Fight for Survival"
6. How did Heraclius fully Hellenize the Byzantine Empire?
7. Why was the Byzantine Empire seen as a military superpower of the early middle ages?
8. What controversy dominated the 8th century and into the early 9th century?
"Golden Era"
9. What was the Great Schism?
"End of Empire"
10. What allowed the Ottomans to finally conquer Constantinople in 1453?

Monday, October 11, 2010

I'm a DAD!!!!!

Hello Everyone! I posted a new picture of my wife our daughter Noelle (born October 6th) and myself. I will most likely be out until November 1st. I have been communicating with Ms. Sabey frequently and you are in good hands. I have added a link to Ms. Sabey's blog. Be sure to check it everyday for your homework assignments and upcoming tests and quizzes!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Geo 10/05/10

The geo students worked on their review sheets today. The review sheets are due tomorrow for a grade. We have the 9 Weeks exam tomorrow also so they should be STUDYING!!!!!! The 9 weeks exam counts for 10% of their final grade.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Geo 09/30/10

Due to the 2 hour delay I postponed 2nd periods test until Friday. 6th period took the test today. 6th period has no homework tonight. 2nd period needs to be studying for their test tomorrow.
All students will start their 9 weeks test review on Monday.

AP 09/30/10

I lectured more on the Classical Civs. I also gave the students their rubric for Continuity and Change Over Times (CCOT) essays. The students also got their review sheets for their test Wednesday. Students need to start working on their essays. It will collected for a grade Wednesday. Chapter 5 needs to be read before the test!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Geo 09/29/10

The students need to finish their review sheets tonight. They will be collected before the test tomorrow. Make sure they are studying. They also need to finish their maps. On one side of their map they need to have Cooperation with the following organizations labeled: Francophone World, NAFTA, NATO, EU, OPEC, ASEAN, AU, League of Arab States, and OAS.
The other side of the map needs to address Conflict with the following conflicts: North and South Korea, India and Pakistan, Cyprus, China and Taiwan, Western Sahara and Morocco, Syria and Israel, Canada and Quebec, Sudan, Northern Ireland, and the Balkans.

AP UPDATE 09/29/10

The Test on Wed will also include chapter 5. Have chapter 5 read by Wed. Don't worry I will lecture on that Chapter in class!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

AP 09/28/10

The students dont have homework tonight. They need to be looking at the diff and sim between Greece and Rome. Test on Chapters 2,3,and4 on Wednesday 10/6

Geo 09/28/10

The students finished their notes on Unit 3 today. We don't have homework tonight. But they do have a test on Thursday so they can be studying!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Geo 09/27/10

The students need to use the computer paper I gave them in class to create an organization that will solve a problem that they see in the World today. They need to create a cover for the brochure that should have their organization name and design. The inside pages need to explain the goal of the organization. This will be collected Tuesday for a grade. They need to be colored.

Friday, September 24, 2010

AP World 09/24/10

Students need to read Southernization article and answer the 9 questions. Please do not write on it!!!!! Also they need to finish reading Chapter 4 page 79 to the end. Possible reading quiz Tuesday.

Geo 09/24/10

Students need to fill in the religion chart using page 82-97 in the textbook. This will be collected for Monday for a grade.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

AP World 09/22/10

Students need to read pages 69-79 be ready for a RQ. They also need to finish their religion charts that are due for a grade on Friday.

Geo 09/23/10

The students took their Unit 2 test. We will start our new unit called Cultural Geography on Friday. The students were able to start their homework after the test today. Tonight they need to read pages 76-79 and be ready for a reading quiz on Friday. On page 99, they need to match up the correct definitions for numbers 1-5 and then they need to answer questions 9-24 on page 99. This will be collected for a grade on Friday.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Geo 09/22/10

Students got their review sheets today! Review sheets need to be completed and studied tonight. The test is tomorrow. I will collect the review sheets before the test for a grade.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Geo 09/21/10

Sorry I am just doing this at 7:30 pm. But there is no homework tonight. Students should start studying for Test on Thursday. They will get review sheets tomorrow.

Monday, September 20, 2010

AP World 09/20/10

The students wrote their first comparative essay today. I will hopefully have these graded by Friday. We finished up our notes on Han China and the students began a lecture on Classical India. Students need to finish reading Chapter 3 tonight pages 57-67 in the Stearns book. They will have a reading quiz next class. The students also need to complete the chart on religions they were given in class today. They were also given a list of websites that will help them gather all the information they need. WIKIPEDIA is NOT a site you want to use for this class! Use the sites I gave you. The completed chart is due Friday.

Geo 09/20/10

We took notes on Vegetation Regions today. We also learned about climographs. Students need to complete their climograph of Newport News for homework tonight.

Below is a link that may help with making their climograph.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Geo 09/17/10

We took notes on Climate today. The students started a climate activity but I collected it at the end of class. They do not have any graded homework tonight. But they could always be studying! We will finish our climate activities Monday.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

AP World History 09/16/10

Students will need to write a comparative essay on two of the three major river valley civs on Monday. We will draw two of the three out of a hat on Monday. The students will have 35 minutes to write this graded essay in class. The students should be preparing outlines using their rubric this weekend. They need at least three sim and three dif. They will not be able to use these outlines in class but they will help them prepare.
The students also need to read pages 51-56.
We will wrap up our study of classical China Monday.

Geo 09/16/10

Geo students took their first test today! They need to use their textbooks to answer the following questions
p. 34 Define Plate tectonics, magma, weathering and erosion.
p. 35 Answer the two Diagram Study questions.
p. 38 Answer Reading Check
p. 41 Define Aquifer
p. 42 Diagram Study Questions 1&2
p. 50 define weather, climate, prevailing wind, leeward, rainshadow, high low and mid latitudes.
p. 60 define coniferous, deciduous, and permafrost.

Students also need to bring their books tomorrow and colored pencils.
We have a current event quiz also.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Geo 09/15/10

Students need to finish their review sheets questions 1-35 tonight, they need to study it and turn it in for a grade. They also need to complete p. 5 #2&3, p. 9 #2, p. 11 What is the difference between large scale and small scale, and p. 12&13 What is the difference betweeen a physical and political map? All of this will be collected for a grade tomorrow. They need to study for their test!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

AP World History 9/14/10

I lectured on the four river valley civilizations today. Students took a reading quiz. We reviewed the proper way to write a comparative essay. Students need to read pages 35-44 and be ready for a reading quiz on Wednesday.

Geo 9-14-10

Students took a latitude and longitude quiz today. Their only homework is to bring their textbooks to class tomorrow (Wednesday). Big review Wednesday for test on Thursday!

Monday, September 13, 2010

4X4 Geo 09/13/10

Students have a Latitude and Longitude Quiz on Tuesday! The following links may help the students prepare for this.

This link is info about Lat and Long

This next link is a fun game to practice Lat and Long

Good luck on the quiz tomorrow.

"Old McDonald had a farm ee ii ee ii oo, and on that farm he had some chickens"

Friday, September 10, 2010

4X4 Geo 09/10/10

No homework this weekend but don't forget that we have a test coming up Thursday. Also a Latitude and Longitude Quiz will be given Tuesday.

AP World History 09/10/10

AP students need to read pages 16-28 in their Stearns book. They will have a reading quiz (RQ) on Tuesday.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Geo 09/09/10

Students need to complete the latitude and longitude worksheet for homework tonight!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

4X4 Geo 09/08/10

Students need to study for 5 Themes of Geo Quiz which is tomorrow (Thursday). And they need to answer question 4 on page 15 for homework due tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

4X4 Geo 09/07/10

Geo students took notes on the importance of Geography. Students were also assigned textbooks. Students need to get their syllabus signed by their parents tonight, this is due Wednesday for a grade. Students also need to answer questions 1-3 on page 9 of their textbooks. This is also due for a grade on Wednesday.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Welcome to my Blog. This blog will be updated everyday. Students are encouraged to access it to see when tests are coming up and to see what was done in class and if there is any homework. I look forward to working with you!

Monday, June 7, 2010

All Geo 06/07

Map Quiz: Indian Ocean, Indonesia, Western Australia, Pacific Ocean, South Australia, Queensland, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Darling River, Murray River, Tasmania, Australia, Brisbane, Solomon Islands, Coral Sea, New Zealand, Wellington, Great Dividing Range, Great Barrier Reef, Australian Capital Territory (ACT).

Don't forget we have a quiz on the Australia Notes too!

If you bring back your book you get extra credit on the quizzes.

"He diddle diddle the cat and the fiddle the cow jumped over the moon."

Friday, May 28, 2010

05/28/10 AP World

Papers and Power Point presentations are due Tuesday June 1st! Don't forget this is a test grade. 75% from your paper and 25% from your presentation.
Also on Thursday June 3rd your CCOT essay on South Africa is due. 1650 to Present Day on Social Conditions of South Africa.

Can't wait to see your Presentations! Have a great Holiday!

Friday, May 21, 2010

05/21/10 AP World History

Students need to complete the work on the film 13 days. Students also need to read the paper on Apartheid and answer the 8 questions that go along with it. Both of these are due Tuesday. Be ready for a possible reading quiz on the Apartheid packet Tuesday.
Don't forget papers and presentations are due June 1st! Students can have me look over them anytime before that date.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

05/18/10 World Geo.

Map Quiz: Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Estonia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Ural Mountains, Caucus Mountains, Caspian Sea, Black Sea, Baltic Sea, Aral Sea, Arctic Ocean, Lena River, Ob River, Amur River, Volga River, Bering Strait.

Old McDonald had a farm ee, i, ee, i, o. And on that farm he had some chickens...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Map Quiz: Western Ghats, India, Yellow River, Pacific Ocean, China, Mongolia, Beijing, Japan, Bay of Bengal, Laos, Indus River, Ganges River, Tokyo, Sea of Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, New Delhi, South Korea, Yangtze River, and Singapore.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

AP World

For the upcoming test here are the essays.
1. Compare outcomes of WWI and WWII
2. Compare Stalin's economic and governmental plan with Lenin's
3. CCOT United States 1914-1949
4. CCOT China 1917-1948

You'll choose one of each like normal. Study for TEST MONDAY!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

World Geo 04/28/10

Students need to study for their maps quiz. South Africa, Madagascar, Sudan, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Botswana, Atlantic Ocean, Zambezi River, Indian Ocean, Niger River, Gabon, Congo River, Congo, Red Sea, Chad, Lake Victoria, Kenya, Kalahari Desert, Tanzania, Namib Desert.

"Happy Birthday to You"

AP World 04/27/10

Students need to read the seconds half of 31 and be ready for RQ. Also finish DBQ essay and bring back signatures from important AP dates. Make sure the signatures are torn off so you and your parents can keep the info on the dates.

Friday, April 23, 2010

4/23/10 World Geo

Students took their unit 9 test today. They need to complete page 428#1-20 for homework if they did not complete it in class.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

AP World 04/21/10

Students need to do reading on pages 733-734 and answer questions. And read First half of chapter 31 pages 751-764 and be ready for a reading quiz.

04/21 World Geo

Sorry this is later than 3 oclock.
For map quiz Morocco, Strait of Gibraltar, Algeria, Libya, Cairo, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Atlas Mountains, Taurus Mountains, Zagros Mountains, Tigris River, Nile River, Baghdad, Israel, Turkey, Cyprus, Iran, Tehran, Mecca.
Also don't forget to finish work on page 498.

Monday, April 19, 2010

AP 04/19

From Chapter 30 read section titled Causation, The New Deal, Nazism and Fascism, And everything from page 742-747.

Also don't forget to bring in your AP Test form signed by your parents.

And Comparative Essay on the post WWI revolutions in Russia and China (all from chapter 29). You essay rubric guidelines to figure out what I want. I am not given anymore specific instructions other than what will be given to you on the AP Exam, so plan well.

All Geo Classes 04/19

All geo students need to finish their SW asia maps for homework tonight. They are due Tuesday.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Important AP World History note

I want to change the AP Stearns reading. If you have already read the first half of 29 that is fine, I can quiz you on that. You don't HAVE to read the second half, but you probably should. However if you have not started reading yet, I want you to read the second half of chapter 29 (710-724) instead. I will quiz you on the second half unless you tell me you want to be quizzed on the first half because you already read it. We are going to cover the whole chapter Monday and the most important stuff is in the second half.
Also don't forget to still do your document reading. Check my post from Thursday to find out what that is.
See you Monday.

All Geo 04/16

The students took a test today on Latin America. They need to complete page 500 #1-20 in their books for homework. It will be collected Monday.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

AP World 04/15/10

Need to read first half of 29 (701-710) reading quiz monday. Also in document book 259-262, answer 5 questions on 262.

04/15 World Geo

Test tomorrow on Latin America. Review sheets due for a grade.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

World Geo 04/14

The Geo students need to finish their slash and burn activity from page 210 for homework tonight. We will be having a Map Quiz on Latin America Thursday. The following places will be on the map quiz: Atlantic Ocean, Cuba, Argentina, Central America, Pacific Ocean, United States, Chile, Rio Grande, Gulf of Mexico, Mexico, Mexico City, Amazon River, Caribbean Sea, Brazil, Brasilia, and the Andes Mountains. Latin America test will be this Friday.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

AP World 04/13

The students do not have any homework tonight. However they need to mark their calendars. MAY 1st Saturday from 8am-11am we will be having our mock AP exam in Cafe 3 at Menchville.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

AP World 3/31/10

Over the break everyone needs to complete the Chapter 27 worksheet they got in class today. They also need to read all of 28 and be ready for a RQ on the Tuesday we return. Finally student needs to write a CCOT essay on Russia from 1450-1914. Focus on social, political, and economic continuities and changes. They must use six continuities or changes at least 2 must be a cont. or change. And their must be at least one cont. or change from each characteristic (social, political, and economic). Chapter 18 and the first half of 27 in Stearns should be very helpful. Students should not use any other resources other than the textbook and the CCOT rubrics I have given them.

Have a great break! Thanks again for my gift! I've eaten up to his shoulders already.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

AP World 3/29/10

Students need to read Chapter 27 pages 641-652 and be ready for a RQ on Wednesday. They also need to read pages 182-187 in the document book and answer questions 1-4 on page 187.

Friday, March 26, 2010


Students need to study for their 9 weeks test which is this Monday 3/29. And they need to read the last have of chapter 26 in Stearns 629-638. And there will be a reading quiz. Thanks for the e-mail Brendon!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

03/15/10 AP World

The students need to read pages 220-224 in their document books. And answer questions 1-4 on page 224. Students will get their review sheets on Wednesday 3/17. Test will be Tuesday 3/23 of next week. Review session after school on Monday 3/22.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

AP World 3/11/10

Students need to read Chapter 25 598 to the end and be ready for a RQ on Monday. Also we need to finish the poster on Monday so bring anything that will help make the poster look great!

Monday, March 8, 2010

AP World 03/05/10

The students need to complete their DBQ by Tuesday and they need to read the rest of Chapter 24 and be ready for RQ on Tuesday. The students will also write a DBQ essay in class on Tuesday.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

AP World 03/02/10

The students need to read Chapter 24 pages 563-575 and be ready for a RQ on Friday. Also the DBQ is due Tuesday for a grade.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

AP World 02/26/10

The took a RQ on the first half of chapter 23. The students need to finish reading the rest of Chapter 23 pages 550-to the end of chapter and be ready for a RQ on Tuesday.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

All Geo Classes 02/25/10

Today we took a quiz covering the forces of conflict and cooperation that we have been studying for the past two days. We then took notes on the 5 major religions in chart form. At the end of class the Unit 3 Review sheet was passed out. Make sure you complete that review and study for your test that is tomorrow. Review sheets are due tomorrow before the test.

AP World 02/24/10

The students need to read pages 535-550 and be ready for a reading quiz next class. The students also need to carefully read the document on page 545-546 and answer all questions all associated with those documents. The questions will be collected for a grade on Friday.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

All Geo Classes 02/24/10

Today we went over the forces of conflict related to spatial divisions. We will have a quiz on forces of conflict and forces of cooperation tomorrow morning. Tomorrow the 1st period class will need to also bring a book to read for the Menchville SMART Reading program. This will take place at the end of the period. You should begin studying tonight for the Unit 3 test on Friday.

Monday, February 22, 2010

All Geo Classes 02/22/10

Today we began Unit 3, Cultural Geography. We covered language and ethnic heritage. We then filled out a worksheet on how these can link or divide regions. There is no homework tonight. Please use tonight to make up any work that you are missing, and turn that work in as soon as possible.

AP World 02/22/10

The students need to study their review sheets for their test that is on Wednesday. The test covers Stearns Chapters 19-22. There will be a review session in Cafe 3 on Tuesday from 2:15-3:00.

Friday, February 19, 2010

All Geo Classes 02/19/10

The students took their Unit 2 test today. Review sheets were collected for a grade. Student need to answer Terms and Places and Main Idea questions on pages 77 and 86(maybe page 84 if 86 is not the right page?). This will be collected for a grade on Monday.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

AP World 02/18/10

Students wrote an essay on women and Latin AMerica compared to women in the Safavid Empire. Students need to read the second half on chapter 22 (page 513- to the end) and be ready for a reading quiz next class. We will get review sheets Monday and take a test on Chapter 19-22 on Wednesday.

All Geo Classes 02/18/10

Students need to finish their review sheets for homework tonight. And they need to study for their test on Physical Geography tomorrow! Review sheets will be collected for a grade.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

AP World 02/16/10

Students will have a RQ on Chapter 22 pages 499-512. The students will also have a comparative essay on the role of women in Latin America(Chapter 19) and the Safavid Empire (Chapter 21). The students will not be allowed to use their rubrics and this will count as a quiz grade. Students will have 30 minutes to write this essay in class.

All Geo Classes 02/16/10

Today we studied the 7 vegetation regions and 4 major weather phenomena. We wrote a short story on life in different vegetation regions. Homework tonight is to fill out the two maps of the world. On one map label the locations of the 7 vegetation regions and on the other map fill out where the 4 weather phenomena occur.

Monday, February 15, 2010

AP World 02/15/10

On Friday we finished covering Chapter 20. We began Chapter 21 by starting a worksheet that is due on Tuesday. Be prepared for a Reading Quiz on Tuesday.

World Geo 02/15/10

Today we began Unit 2. We discussed Climate Characteristics and Elements. We filled out a worksheet on World Climate Regions and labeled maps with the regions. Remember to bring your maps back to class on Tuesday. There is no homework tonight.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

AP World 02/10/10

We covered the first half of chapter 20 today. We will cover the rest on Friday and start an activity for chapter 21. No homework tonight. Have chapter 21 read by next Tuesday.

All Geo Classes 02/10/10

We covered map projections today. 1st period needs to bring back their map projection worksheet tomorrow. I will not collect it for homework. We can do it together in class. 3/4 period has no homework either. They will get their map projection worksheet in class tomorrow. Review on Thursday, TEST FRIDAY!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

All Geo Classes 02/09/10

Today we took notes on Mental Maps and Thematic Maps. The students need to complete their "Using Map Titles" worksheet for homework tonight. They do not have to answer question 19 because it is blurred out. This worksheet will be collected for a grade on Wednesday.

AP World 02/08/10

We finished our lecture on Chapter 19 today. Students need to write a comparative essay on the Bourbon reforms and the Pombal reforms that will be collected to a homework grade on Wednesday. The students should follow the AP comparative essay format.
On Wednesday we will be having a reading quiz on the first half of Chapter 12, pages 447-461.

Friday, February 5, 2010

All Geo Classes 02/05/10

Today the students completed an atlas activity and took a quiz on Mr. Horan (their student teacher). They also took notes on the 5 Themes of Geo. There is no homework this weekend!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

AP World 02/04/10

We lectured on Chapter 18 and 19 today. The students need to read Chapter 20 pages 447-461 by Monday and the rest of 20 by Wednesday. The students also need to read pages 102-106 in their documents book and answer question 3-5 on page 106 for homework. I will collect the questions on Monday.

All Geo Classes 02/04/10

All students need to complete Worksheet Chapter One Section One for homework tonight. It will be collected for a grade on Friday!

All Geo Classes 02/04/10


Coach Chappell
World Geography
Email: Christopher.chappell@nn.k12.va.us
Social Studies Dept. phone: 886-7722 ext. 45636

Overview: World Geography is an inter-disciplinary course that encompasses a wide range of skills and knowledge including geology, anthropology, economics, and regional studies. These components make the course exciting and versatile, as well as extremely demanding. The course is divided into two main themes, theory and application. The first semester will cover the theory of geography and includes: physical, human, economic, and cultural geography. During the second semester these theories will be applied to the different regions and countries of the world. World Geography is important for two reasons: It is required by the Virginia Standards of Learning in order to graduate High School, but more importantly it provides the student with a fundamental understanding of the world, and the many diverse and interesting cultures that live in it.

4X4-This class will be a little different for your students. We will meet everyday for one semester. So the pacing will be very fast. They will take the SOL at the end of the Semester.

Supplies needed. Classroom Rules:
3 Ring Binder
Notebook Paper 1. Bring yourself, your agenda book
Pencil/pen and supplies to class on time each
Colored pencils (12 pack) day(notebook checks are part of the class grade).
2. Raise your hand to be called on. 3. Demonstrate respect for yourself and your classmates.
Consequences for Rule Infractions:
1. Warning
2. Teacher and student conference
3. Parental Contact
4. Administrative/Guidance Referral

Grading Scale:
A 92-100
B 83-91
C 74-82
D 65-73
F Below 65

Academic Expectations: All students should strive for academic excellence. I believe that all students can be successful if they apply themselves.

-Students are expected to complete their work individually unless otherwise instructed.

-Make up work will be issued for absent students. Students are to pick up make up work from the “Make up Work” folder. It is to be completed within 5 days of the students return. Full credit will be given for make up work completed on time, for excused absences.

-The grades will be broken into the following:
Tests – 40%
Quizzes – 25%
Assignments – 25%
9 Weeks Test- 10%

-Extra help is available and I encourage all students to speak with me if they are having problems. Certain times will be arranged throughout the year for additional help.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

AP World 01/27/10

This is a reminder that we have our semester Exam tomorrow. I just want to clarify that the students who got passed advanced on their SOL are exempt from the exam. This means that if they can arrange for a parent to pick them up and sign them out they can leave. By no means should a student be anywhere else then at home with parental permission or in my classroom. If you are found anywhere else without your parent or guardians apporval you will be treated as a skipper!

Friday, January 22, 2010

AP World 01/22/10

We took our SOL today and everyone passed! The students need to have chapter 19 read before the start of the new semester which is Feb. 2nd. No student HAS to take the semester exam this coming Thursday, but they can to try to improve their grade.

All Geo Classes 01/22/10

We took our SOL today! Students did really well. Ask your kids for their grades. No homework this weekend!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

All Geo Classes 01/21/10

The students need to be studying for the SOL which is tomorrow. They should use Mr. Dreyer's website to review. See the link below


AP World 01/20/10

We took our test on Age of Discovery today. We also reviewed a little for the SOL. I will be having an after school study session today in room 220 from 2:15 until 3:15. The SOL is tomorrow at 11:30. Students should eat first lunch then report to my room by 11:25 to find out which room the SOL is in (there will be a note on my door).

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

All Geo Classes 01/19/10

The students reviewed for their SOL today. We took a practice test. The students need to be studying. They have review packets and should be getting on Mr. Dryers web site! That site is the best possible resource!!! The link is in this past Friday's post. Please access it. No homework other than to study! SOL is this FRIDAY

Friday, January 15, 2010

AP World 01/15/10

We took two quizzes today and worked on our review sheets. Our test will be on Wednesday. There will be a review session after school on Tuesday in Cafe 3. Review sheets are due on Wednesday.

All Geo Classes 01/15/10

We reviewed for our SOL today. The students have no formal homework, however they should spend some time on Mr. Dreyer's website preparing for the SOL. There are a lot of great practice quizzes the kids can take. Check it out at the following link...


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ap World 01/13/10

Students need to come ready to take the RQ on Chapter 18.

All Geo Classes 01/14/10

We took two quizzes today on Australia and worked on our SOL review packets. No homework tonight.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

All Geo Classes 01/13/10

THe students took notes on Australia today. We will have 2 quizzes tomorrow. A quiz on the notes we took today and a Map Quiz. The students need to know the following places for the map quiz: Indian Ocean, Indonesia, Western Australia, Pacific Ocean, South Australia, Queensland, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Darling River, Murray River, Tasmania, Australia, Brisbane, Solomon Islands, Coral Sea, New Zealand, Wellington, Great Dividing Range, Great Barrier Reef, A.C.T.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

All Geo Classes 01/12/10

The students completed their maps of Australia today. Tonight they need to complete page 702 #1-20 for homework. This is due tomorrow for a grade.

Monday, January 11, 2010

AP World 01/11/10

***Coach Dragone and I have decided to take Chapter 18 out of the Test. The next test will be on Wednesday Jan. 20th still but it will only cover chapters 16 and 17***

We lectured on almost all of chapter 17. Students have a DBQ next class. The following link may help them get ready...


Friday, January 8, 2010


You will NOT be asked to write an essay this coming Monday. We will need the whole entire period to try to cover all of Chapter 17, so come ready to focus. I now want to lay out what our next few weeks will look like.

Monday 1/11- Lecture all of 17. Reading Quiz
Wednesday 1/13- 50 minute DBQ Essay on Why Europe? Start lecture on Chapter 18
Friday 1/15- Reading Quiz on 18. Finish lecture on 18. Get review sheet for test on chapters 16, 17, 18.
Monday 1/18- NO SCHOOL
Tuesday 1/19- After school study session.
Wednesday 1/20- Test on 16, 17, 18 and SOL Review
Thursday 1/21- After school SOL Review
Friday 1/22- SOL (the SOL will cover up until 1500CE)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

AP World 01/07/10

We finished our lecture on chapter 16 today and looked at an article titled "Why Europe?" The students need to read Chapter 17 this weekend and be ready for a Reading Quiz. The students should also come prepared to write an essay on the Changes and Continuity over Time between the dates 600-1450CE and Compare the North American settlements to those in South America.

Also we will be taking an SOL test on Jan. 22nd. It will cover the material we have learned so far this year. We will have a review day before the SOL.

All Geo Classes 01/07/10

We took our test on Russia today. And I started to tell the students the true story of Anastasia. Tomorrow we will watch the Fox version and compare it to the true events that took place in the early 20th century. The students have no homework tonight.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

All Geo Classes 01/06/10

The students took their Map Quiz today and received their review sheets for the test tomorrow. The students need to turn their review sheets in for a grade tomorrow and study for the test!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

AP World 01/05/10

The students took a RQ on Chapter 16 today. We did a brief lecture of Chapter 15 and then covered the first half of Chapter 16. The students also created a list of the basic Cont. and Changes in the World between the years 600-1450 CE.
Tonight the students need to read pages 20-29 in the Documents in World History book and answer the following questions:

1. The Columbian Exchange describes the transfer of which three main items? List examples of things the Europeans brought to America.
2. What did Europeans bring back to Europe from America?
3. In "Disease in Mexico", what symptoms did some with the great sickness have?
4. What is the over all feeling towards Mexico in 1620? Give examples to back up you claim.
5. How does Robert Boyle describe the potato?
6. What prediction does Adam Smith make about the future of Europe with the introduction of the potato?
7. What negative does Adam Smith see in regards to the potato?

This will be collected for a grade on Thursday.

All Geo Classes 01/05/10

I collected the homework from last night. The students got back their maps and need to study for the map quiz tomorrow. They should be able to locate the following places: Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Estonia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Ural Mountains, Caucasus Mountains, Caspian Sea, Black Sea, Baltic Sea, Aral Sea, Arctic Ocean, Lena River, Ob River, Amur River, Volga River, Bering Strait.

The test has been moved from Friday to Thursday.

Monday, January 4, 2010

All Geo Classes 01/04/10

Happy New Year!
The students completed their maps of Russia today and turned them in for a grade. I will give the students back their graded maps tomorrow.
Tonight the students need to complete page 358 #1-20 for homework. I will collect this assignment for a grade tomorrow.