Wednesday, March 31, 2010

AP World 3/31/10

Over the break everyone needs to complete the Chapter 27 worksheet they got in class today. They also need to read all of 28 and be ready for a RQ on the Tuesday we return. Finally student needs to write a CCOT essay on Russia from 1450-1914. Focus on social, political, and economic continuities and changes. They must use six continuities or changes at least 2 must be a cont. or change. And their must be at least one cont. or change from each characteristic (social, political, and economic). Chapter 18 and the first half of 27 in Stearns should be very helpful. Students should not use any other resources other than the textbook and the CCOT rubrics I have given them.

Have a great break! Thanks again for my gift! I've eaten up to his shoulders already.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

AP World 3/29/10

Students need to read Chapter 27 pages 641-652 and be ready for a RQ on Wednesday. They also need to read pages 182-187 in the document book and answer questions 1-4 on page 187.

Friday, March 26, 2010


Students need to study for their 9 weeks test which is this Monday 3/29. And they need to read the last have of chapter 26 in Stearns 629-638. And there will be a reading quiz. Thanks for the e-mail Brendon!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

03/15/10 AP World

The students need to read pages 220-224 in their document books. And answer questions 1-4 on page 224. Students will get their review sheets on Wednesday 3/17. Test will be Tuesday 3/23 of next week. Review session after school on Monday 3/22.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

AP World 3/11/10

Students need to read Chapter 25 598 to the end and be ready for a RQ on Monday. Also we need to finish the poster on Monday so bring anything that will help make the poster look great!

Monday, March 8, 2010

AP World 03/05/10

The students need to complete their DBQ by Tuesday and they need to read the rest of Chapter 24 and be ready for RQ on Tuesday. The students will also write a DBQ essay in class on Tuesday.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

AP World 03/02/10

The students need to read Chapter 24 pages 563-575 and be ready for a RQ on Friday. Also the DBQ is due Tuesday for a grade.