Monday, October 20, 2014


5th Period will take the test Wed. 10/22 and 4th Period will take it Thur. 10/23.  The test will cover chapters 4-7.  Coach Dragone will be holding an after school study session on Tuesday 10/21.  The review session will be in Cafe 1 (not 014) right after school.  Please see below for the thesis prompts.

1.       Compare the political, social, and economic characteristics of Athens Greece to the Roman Empire.

2.       Compare the political and social characteristics of Greek women to women in the Gupta Empire.

3.       Describe the continuities and changes over time in regards to political, social, and economic characteristics in India between the years 324 BCE-550 CE.

4.       Describe the continuities and changes over time in regards to geography, economic, and cultural characteristics on the trans-Sahara caravan route between the years 300 BCE-600CE.
I would also like to throw in compare the Mauryan to the Gupta if you would like to do that one.  Don't forget you choose 2, One Comp and One CCOT.  The CCOT is the same as Comparative, instead it's Continuity and Changes instead of Similarities and Differences.

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