Monday, November 23, 2015

Review Sheet for 4th Period

Man!!!! I forgot to give 4th period their review sheets.  I blame Megan ;-)  Here are the review questions for your test next week.  Just in case you come out of your turkey coma and want to get a head start.

Test Review Bulliet Chapters 8-11

1.      Describe the economic impact of the camel on the Arabian Peninsula.

2.      List the key events in Muhammad’s influence on the Arabian Peninsula.

3.      Describe the lands controlled by the Umayyad dynasty and the lands controlled by the Abbasid dynasty.

4.      Describe the decline of the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties.

5.      List key characteristics and events of the Seljuk Empire.

6.      Give a brief but detailed account of the crusades.

7.      Describe the Great Schism in detail.

8.      What role did Byzantine women play in society?

9.      Describe feudalism and give an account of the role that each figure played.

10. What role did the church play in the Middle Ages?

11. Why were cities in Italy and Flanders success in the Middle Ages?

12. Describe the start, accomplishments, and fall of the Sui dynasty.

13. Describe the start, accomplishments and fall of the Tang dynasty.

14. Describe the start, accomplishments and fall of the Song dynasty.

15. What advantage did the Liao people have?

16. Describe Zhu-Xi’s neo-Confucianism believes.

17. Describe what the Japanese did and did not adopt from the Chinese.

18. What was the importance of the Trung sisters?

19. Describe the start, accomplishments and fall of Teotihuacan.

20. Why were chinampas so important to people in Mesoamerica?

21. Describe the start, accomplishments and fall of the Mayan. Also the role of women.

22. Describe the start, accomplishments and fall of the Aztecs.  Also the role of women.

23. Describe the start, accomplishments and fall of the Inca.

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