Tuesday, November 29, 2016

11/29 and 11/30 5th and 2nd Period APWH

The students took a RQ on the first half of chapter 12 in class and we took notes on the first half of Chapter 12. The students got their review sheet for Chapter 11-12 today in class.  5th period will take the test on Monday December 5th and 2nd Period will take it December 6th.  I will post the review sheet questions below in case you were absent.  Students need to read the rest of Chapter 12 and be ready for a possible RQ next class.

Stearns Chapter 11-12 Test Review

1. Describe the details of manorialism and feudalism in detail.

2. List key information about the medieval church and the Crusades.

3. Describe the importance of the Magna Carta.

4. What importance did medieval guilds serve?

5. Describe the Aztecs rise to power.

6. Describe the Aztec religious system.

7. List some key characteristics of the Aztec economic system.

8. List key characteristics of the Aztec social system.

9. Describe the key aspects of the Inca civilization.

*Possible short answers are about medieval manors and Aztec and Inca political systems.



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