Tuesday, November 24, 2015

11/24 and 11/30 3rd and 4th Period APWH

We created a brochure for different Native civilizations to the Americas.  We also took notes on the beginning of Chapter 11.  We will finish Chapter 11 on Tuesday and take our test on Chapters 8-11 on Thursday.  Finish reading Chapter 11 and work on the review sheet a little over the break. 3rd Period Reading Quiz pages 320 to end of chapter.
4th Period your Native Thanksgiving assignment is due next class.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Review Sheet for 4th Period

Man!!!! I forgot to give 4th period their review sheets.  I blame Megan ;-)  Here are the review questions for your test next week.  Just in case you come out of your turkey coma and want to get a head start.

Test Review Bulliet Chapters 8-11

1.      Describe the economic impact of the camel on the Arabian Peninsula.

2.      List the key events in Muhammad’s influence on the Arabian Peninsula.

3.      Describe the lands controlled by the Umayyad dynasty and the lands controlled by the Abbasid dynasty.

4.      Describe the decline of the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties.

5.      List key characteristics and events of the Seljuk Empire.

6.      Give a brief but detailed account of the crusades.

7.      Describe the Great Schism in detail.

8.      What role did Byzantine women play in society?

9.      Describe feudalism and give an account of the role that each figure played.

10. What role did the church play in the Middle Ages?

11. Why were cities in Italy and Flanders success in the Middle Ages?

12. Describe the start, accomplishments, and fall of the Sui dynasty.

13. Describe the start, accomplishments and fall of the Tang dynasty.

14. Describe the start, accomplishments and fall of the Song dynasty.

15. What advantage did the Liao people have?

16. Describe Zhu-Xi’s neo-Confucianism believes.

17. Describe what the Japanese did and did not adopt from the Chinese.

18. What was the importance of the Trung sisters?

19. Describe the start, accomplishments and fall of Teotihuacan.

20. Why were chinampas so important to people in Mesoamerica?

21. Describe the start, accomplishments and fall of the Mayan. Also the role of women.

22. Describe the start, accomplishments and fall of the Aztecs.  Also the role of women.

23. Describe the start, accomplishments and fall of the Inca.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Biography Report Update

Only a handful of students have cleared their book selection with me.  Please clear your book with me before Christmas Break.  Failure to do so will result in a zero for a homework grade.

11/20 and 11/23 3rd and 4th Period APWH

Students took notes on the second half of chapter 10 today and read a primary source on footbinding.  Poem homework was collected at the beginning of class.  Students need to read pages 309-319 before next class.  Students were also given a review sheet for Chapters 8-11 test.  The test schedule is:
3rd Period-12/3
4th Period-12/4

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

11/18 and 11/19 3rd and 4th Period APWH

Students took notes on the first half of Chapter 10.  They need to read the last half of chapter 10 before next class.  Students also need to follow the link below and answer the following things:


1. Pick a poem
2. Translate the poem into your own words
3. Why did you choose this poem?
4. What does it say to you?
5. What elements strike a chord with you?
6. What feelings and ideas does it evoke in you and why?

Monday, November 16, 2015

11/16 and 11/17 3rd and 4th Period APWH

Students need to review their lists of sim. and dif. between Eastern and Western Europe during the Middle Ages and read pages 284-297 before next class.



Friday, November 13, 2015

11/12 and 11/13 3rd and 4th APWH

Students took a RQ on the first half of Chapter 9 today.  And we took notes on the first half of Chapter 9.  Students need to read the 2nd half of Chapter 9 before next class.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

11/10 3rd Period APWH

Students wrote their CCOT essay today.  Students need to complete the reading from Chapter 9 that was assigned last class if they have not already.

Friday, November 6, 2015

11/6 and 11/9 3rd and 4th Period APWH

Students learned how to write a CCOT essay in class today and we graded a CCOT essay on the Silk Road.  Students took notes on Chapter 8.  Students need to be ready to write their CCOT essay on the Arabian Peninsula from 570-1258CE next class.  Students should also read Chapter 9 pages 253-263 before next class.  Possibly RQ.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

11/4 and 11/5 3rd and 4th Period APWH

Students turned in their 3 column notes for a grade and took a reading quiz on Chapter 8.  We started notes on Chapter 8 today.  Students need to bring a list of Continuities and Changes on the Arabian Peninsula from the years 570CE to 1258CE in regards to political, social, economic, and religious characteristics.  Bring this next class.  I will collect it for a grade and you will be learning how to write CCOT essays next class.

For In Class Today

