Monday, May 16, 2016

SOL Dates, Times and Locations

3rd- May 25th 8:30 Lab 211
4th- May 26th 11:00 Lib B

Friday, May 13, 2016

Review Video 30-33

5/13 and 5/16 3rd and 4th Period APWH

I have postponed the "Post 1945" quiz until 5/17 for 3rd Period and 5/18 for 4th Period.  On those dates I will collect the key terms for a HW grade and give a quiz on the key terms.  Today I gave out a review sheet for the Chapter 30-33 test.  I will post the questions below and a review video link will be posted on Monday 5/16.  The test for 3rd period will be Thursday 5/19 and 4th period will take it Friday 5/20. 

Test Review Bulliet Chapters 30-33

Chapter 30

1.        Explain the importance of the African National Congress.

2.        Explain the importance of Haile Salassie.

3.        Describe British role in India.  Be sure to look closely at Indian Civil Service and the British attitude toward industrialization.

4.        Briefly describe Indian’s path to independence.

5.        Describe the roles of Emiliano Zappata and Pancho Villa.

6.        How did the Constitutionalists win control of Mexico.

Chapter 31

7.        What was the Marshall Plan?

8.        Describe the Green Revolution.

9.        Why was the Korean War limited to the Korean peninsula?

10.     Explain the conflict between India and Pakistan in 1947.

11.     Describe the importance of Ho Chi Minh.

12.     Give a description of the French-Algerian War.

13.     How was the Belgian Congo move to independence different than other African nations?

14.     How was Latin America’s decolonization different than that of Africa?

15.     Describe Castro’s grab for power and the United States reaction.

16.     Describe Mao’s Great Leap Forward.

17.     Explain the Six Day War of 1967.

Chapter 32

18.     Who was Salvador Allende?

19.     What is a “dirty war”?

20.     What is neo-liberalism?

21.     Describe Ayatollah Khomeini’s take over and the Iran-Iraq war.

22.     What is perestroika?

23.     Describe the conflict on the Balkan peninsula in the 1990s.

24.     What did Thomas Malthus claim?

25.     Describe the conflict in Rwanda in 1994.

26.     What are some things generally associated with low birth rates in industrial nations? P. 929

27.     Name some things true about technological innovation after WWII. P. 935

Chapter 33

28.     What is globalization?

29.     What was a reason for the collapse of the American housing market? P. 952

30.     What was controversial about Vladimir Putin as president in Russia?

31.     What was the stated purpose of the US invasion of Iraq?  What did it change to?

32.     What is the goal of terrorism?

33.     What did the EU do in 2002 to promote growth?

34.     Why does the World Trade Organization attract critics and protests? P. 950

35.     What is the most criticized Muslim practice concerning women? P. 963

36.     What did the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights reflect? Why has it been criticized? P. 961

37.     What is the Internet?

38.     How has the popularization of American culture been reflected in other cultures? P. 965-966

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

5/9 and 5/10 3rd and 4th Period APWH

We were wrapping up notes today to finish getting ready for the AP Exam.  The last note sheet "Post 1945 Global Issues" is due the class after the AP Exam and there will be a quiz on it after the AP Exam.  AP Exam is Thursday May 12 8am at the Hellenic Center on J. Clyde!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

5/5 and 5/6 3rd and 4th Period

We took a quiz on chapter 31 key terms in class today and we started notes on chapter 31.  Students were given a worksheet on the key terms for the rest of the book.  That sheet needs to be completed before next class and brought back for a HW grade and be ready for a possible quiz on those terms.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

5/3 and 5/4 3rd and 4th Period APWH

We took notes on chapter 30 today in class and a quiz on key terms.  HW tonight is key terms for 31, these are due next class and there will be a quiz.

Cold War
Iron Curtain
Green Revolution
Warsaw Pact
United Nations
World Bank
Marshall Plan
European Economic Community/Common Market
Korean War
Vietnam War
Cuban Missle Crisis
Helsinki Accords
Kwame Nkrumah
African National Congress
Fidel Castro
Third World/non-aligned nations
Mao Zedong
Cultural Revolution (China)

Monday, May 2, 2016

APWH After School Review Sessions

5/3 Tuesday Chappell (220) Prehistory-600CE
5/4 Wednesday Dragone (014) 600CE-1450CE
5/9 Monday Chappell (220) 1450CE-1750CE
5/10 Tuesday Dragone (014) 1750CE-1914CE
5/11 Wednesday Chappell (220) 1914CE-Present