Tuesday, January 31, 2017

5th and 2nd Period APWH 1/31/17 and 2/1/17

Students took their test on Chapters 13-16 in class today after we reviewed for 20 mins.  For homework students need to read pages 384-393 and be ready for a possible RQ next class.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

APWH Chapters 13-16 Test Review Video

5th Period will take the test on Tuesday Jan. 31 and 2nd Period will take the test Wednesday Feb. 1.  Please bring your books to class that day.  The link to the review video is posted below.


Friday, January 13, 2017

1/13 5th Period APWH

I collected projects and Cathedral HW and we finished our notes on the Renaissance.  Students have their SOL next class. Study!!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

1/12 2nd Period APWH

Students took notes on Chapter 16 and we reviewed the final information before their SOL next class.  I also collected projects.  For HW Students need to complete the cathedral activity they were assigned in class.  Create a flyer including the name, location, year built, arch. style, cost, interesting fact, and picture (or sketch) of your cathedral. This Thursday Jan. 19 for a grade.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Coach Dragone will hold an afternoon SOL study session on Thursday Jan. 12 in room 014.  Please spread the word about this!  Post it on your Bookface, InstaTwitter account, SnapBuddy page, Yakwuck account, and whatever other forms of social media you use.

There are date changes for the SOL due to the missed snow days.  New dates are:

2nd Period 1/17 8:30am in room 211
5th Period 1/18 11:00am in room 211

Also projects are still due on original dates assigned unless you have made other arrangements with me.

See you in class!!!

Friday, January 6, 2017

1/6 5th Period APWH

5th Period students took a RQ today on pages 351-358.  We took notes on the first part of Chapter 16.  The students need to read 358 to the end of Chapter 16 before next class, possible RQ.  Students also need to complete the cathedral activity they were assigned in class.  Create a flyer including the name, location, year built, arch. style, cost, interesting fact, and picture (or sketch) of your cathedral.

***AND STUDY FOR YOUR SOL!!!!!!!!!!***

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

1/4 and 1/5 5th and 2nd Period APWH

We finished our notes on Chapter 15 today.  Students need to read pages 351-358 and be ready for a possible RQ next class.  Students need to use information learned in class to create a sales ad for a Mongolian Horse. This is due next class for a HW grade.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

1/3/17 2nd Period APWH

We took notes on the first half of Chapter 15 in class today.  Students need to read pages 338 to the end of Chapter 15 before next class and be ready for a possible reading quiz.