Tuesday, January 5, 2010

AP World 01/05/10

The students took a RQ on Chapter 16 today. We did a brief lecture of Chapter 15 and then covered the first half of Chapter 16. The students also created a list of the basic Cont. and Changes in the World between the years 600-1450 CE.
Tonight the students need to read pages 20-29 in the Documents in World History book and answer the following questions:

1. The Columbian Exchange describes the transfer of which three main items? List examples of things the Europeans brought to America.
2. What did Europeans bring back to Europe from America?
3. In "Disease in Mexico", what symptoms did some with the great sickness have?
4. What is the over all feeling towards Mexico in 1620? Give examples to back up you claim.
5. How does Robert Boyle describe the potato?
6. What prediction does Adam Smith make about the future of Europe with the introduction of the potato?
7. What negative does Adam Smith see in regards to the potato?

This will be collected for a grade on Thursday.

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