Monday, February 7, 2011

2/7/11 Geo

The students took their Unit 1 test today. After the test they got a book work activity. The need to finish it for homework. The following questions need to be answered:
Page 35 and 38
1. Plate movement has not only created the continents but also _____ and _____.
2. When plates spread apart what is pushed up from the mantle?
3. Kobe, Japan and San Francisco are located along the ______ ___ ____.
Page 39 and 40
4. List the three forms of erosion and give a description of each.
Page 44
5. Important sources of fresh underground water are called _________.
Page 51
6. What is the difference between weather and climate?
Page 55-57
7. What two latitude lines are the low latitudes between?
8. What is the climate like in the low latitudes?
9. What latitude lines are the high latitudes in between?
10. What latitude lines are the mid latitudes in between?
11. Describe the climate of the mid latitudes.
12. How does elevation affect temperature?
13. Global winds blow in fairly constant patterns called ______ ________.
14. Just as winds move in patterns, cold and warm streams of water, known as _______.
Page 59
15. Which side of the mountain receives the most rain?
Page 61-63
16. How many inches of rain do tropical wet areas get?
17. In a desert an area of lush vegetation is called an ________.
18. What are the two most common types of trees you find in mid latitudes?
19. What type of climate is found close to the North Pole in the high latitude zone?
20. In highland climates the higher the elevation the ________ the temperatures.

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