Thursday, March 12, 2015

3/12 and 3/13 5th and 4th AP World History

Please watch the video below to complete the notes from Chapter 21.

Students recieved a DBQ in class today.  You do not need to write an actual essay but you do need to use the documents to do the following (keeping in mind you are addressing the causes and effects of the French Revolution):

1. Create at least two groups and explains which documents go into which group and why.
2. Explain the POV in as many documents as you can.
3. List at least one additional document per group and explain how it would stregthen the group.
4. Write a thesis statement for this DBQ addressing the cause and effects of the French Revolution.
(This will be collected for a HW grade next class.

Students also need to read pages 629-640 of chapter 22.  We are due for a reading quiz.

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